The psychopath louise collins
The psychopath louise collins

The blurb for this story intrigued me, but I’ll admit, I started reading not expecting to be wowed.

the psychopath louise collins the psychopath louise collins

When the study finishes, will Zane let Quinn go and move on, or will he leave Quinn with more questions? With all Quinn knows about psychopaths, he can’t stop his heart being seduced by this one. He’s clever and takes control of their sessions. Zane Black wears many faces, and Quinn has a hard time finding the real man behind the masks. He needs psychopaths for his study, and one participant fills him with more unease than the others. The men sitting opposite him have done awful things, but Quinn’s not there to judge he’s there to work through a psychopath checklist. His participants all reside under one roof: Greenwood Prison. After months of stress and pleading, his study has been approved. No two criminals are alike, and Quinn knows this more than most.

The psychopath louise collins