Down by Contact by Santino Hassell
Down by Contact by Santino Hassell

Down by Contact by Santino Hassell

Though they were once teammates, Adrián views Simeon as a traitor and the number-one name on the New Jersey Predators’ shit list. Coming out as gay in solidarity with his teammate hasn’t harmed his reputation in the least-except for some social media taunting from rival linebacker Adrián Bravo. He’s universally adored by fans and the media.

Down by Contact by Santino Hassell Down by Contact by Santino Hassell

Buy it now: Amazon ~ Penguin ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Koboīlurb: Simeon Boudreaux, the New York Barons’ golden-armed quarterback, is blessed with irresistible New Orleans charm and a face to melt your mama’s heart.

Down by Contact by Santino Hassell